The "CALIFORNIA" portfolio contains paintings of my beloved Marin County where I grew up and of the Sierra Foothills where my great grandparents prospered during the gold rush.  Most of the paintings in this portfolio come from the trips to our family cabin where three generations have gathered just below Calaveras Big Trees State Park. CARSON ICEBURG WILDERNESSTIOGA PASSBIG SUR - SMALL EDDIESA LONE TREE BELOW MT. WHITNEY HIGH PASS MEADOWEBBETTS PASS IIIRETURN TO DONNERTHE ALABAMA HILLS TO MT. WHITNEYVINEYARD ON RT. 28SUNSET ROAD WITH CORN ROUNDUP OVER EBBETTS  MARIN DAIRY LANDSDD RANCH ALONG HWY 4A PEEK AT THE BAYMARIN: TENNESSEE COVE AND THE LONE TREEBACK FROM TENNESSEE COVEFROM BACK MOUNTAIN TREE FARMCARMEL VALLEY LETTUCE